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Thank you!

112 W High St
Lexington, KY, 40507
United States

Josh Stevens Bloodstock is a full-service management firm located in the heart of Thoroughbred country. We take pride in building successful portfolios and programs for our clients, whether the focus is sales or racing. We offer a wide range of services to fit the needs of your program.




J. Stevens Bloodstock is a full-service management firm located in the heart of Thoroughbred country. We take pride in building successful portfolios and programs for our clients, whether the focus is sales or racing. We offer a wide range of services, but specialize in full portfolio management.

Our approach is business-minded first and foremost, which we blend with a strong horsemanship background  and a team approach to create a recipe for success.

Josh has a true passion for the industry and an endless amount of enthusiasm for the horse. He provides a professional approach to any situation, clear communication with his clients and is a competent voice of reason. I would have no hesitation in recommending Josh to owners, breeders, and trainers.
— Clint Joiner | Calloway Stables

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